Mood & Cognition

Optimal gut health ensures stable communication between our digestive system & brain, improving mood, mental clarity & supports neurotransmission.

The essential fatty acids found in bone broth have been clinically proven to increase brain function.

In addition, glycine is known to promote mental alertness, improve memory, and reduce stress.

Our diet influences your gut bacteria, and our gut bacteria influence your brain. Thus, your gut bacteria are constantly speaking to your brain.

The makeup of gut bacteria, called our microbiome, depicts how our brains are wired, along with moods, memory, the ability to learn, and how to deal with stress.

When our microbiome is healthy, it sends happy signals to the brain; but when it is not, it can send signals of stress and anxiety.

Glycine found in quality bone broth has numerous positive impacts on brain health and plays a pivotal role in fetal brain development.

Glycine also protects the brain following a stroke and from neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s and is also recommended in the treatment of mood disorders such as depression.

Glycine extends its benefits to healthy people as well, improving verbal memory and sustained attention controls.

Lastly, chondroitin in bone broth helps with learning and memory because of it’s beneficial role in neuroplasticity.

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